Jun 9, Posts: I yes, speculation on my part thought if there were any misrepresentations with the installer that Tony would have pointed them out. You may then searched for the word "ebay" in the whole drive to see if you come up with anything. Pinga , Aug 3, Simply untick "eBay shortcuts" in the choose components page during install if you do not wish to have those. As for my own findings I'm unable to confirm your results. unlocker1.8.7.exe

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No eBay shortcuts had been installed in neither cases. I downloaded the program from the official website. Your second line merely a play on words - uninstalled correctly, properly PS - You can remove locked files the old-fashioned way if you have the inkling! Unkocker1.8.7.exe shortcut still showed in the LUA.

Beware: Unlocker 1.8.7 bundled with adware/spyware/junkware

Jul 6, Posts: OsabanJul 22, Create a txt file and save the following code: I set up two accounts on the computer, one administrator one LUA. MerleOneJul 24, I have a vague memory when I last installed it that something was optional, unlocker1.8.7.ex the yahoo bar with CCleaner, but I've never noticed anything installed extra. PingaJul 25, Aug 31, Posts: I've also used Unlocker for a long time, I have never seen anything about ebay shortcuts. Minus the although and your addition of what's in parenthesis, your "word for word" quote tends to be misleading, suggesting the comments weren't based on your experience, rather quoting the authors.

Besides, unless the install option was resolved I'd have no idea why thedatalist would currently push eight-seven.

Tips with two easy steps to remove UNLOCKER1.8.7.EXE file.

Thanks for the post, I unchecked Ebay, but I see the. I unchecked "check for update" and "eBay shortucts". Thanks guys very much for the tip about Lock Hunter.


Aug 7, Posts: According to the post it appears to have been cleared up. From seeing the result I got, I guess I downloaded from third-party site like download. Your username or email address: It can also remove stubborn malware which doesn't want to leave you.

May 5, Posts: Jan 18, Posts: As for my own findings I'm unable to confirm your results. There is no point of rewriting the instruction.

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Yes the instruction part is copied from the source as I quote. Apr 11, Posts: So LockHunter is the most popular? The first case was to simply install it in admin account.


Jul 19, Posts: No, create an account now. One thing I noticed that I do not like is that it seems to mess with the Erase contect menu entries with respect to folders. Anybody, I no longer run Doze?


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